What do brown recluse spiders look like?
Brown recluse spiders are light to dark brown with a dark violin-shaped pattern on the top. Unlike most spiders that have eight eyes, brown recluse spiders have three pairs that arc across the front. They range in size from ¼ to ½ inch long.

When are brown recluse spiders most active?
Biology of brown recluse spiders
Female brown recluse spiders typically mate in June or July and after doing so will deposit 20-50 eggs in a spherical case. In a normal lifespan, females will produce two to five such batches of eggs.
Brown recluse spider webs
Unlike most web weavers, brown recluse spiders do not build webs in order to catch prey; instead they leave their webs at night to hunt. Brown recluse spiders build irregular webs consisting of disorderly threads. They are typically built in woodpiles and sheds, closets, unused beds, garages, cellars, and other places that are dry and generally undisturbed.
What do brown recluse spiders eat?
Brown recluse spiders eat live and dead insects and may eat other spiders as well.
Are brown recluse spiders dangerous?
Yes, both male and female brown recluse spiders are capable of biting and injecting venom. A brown recluse spider bite may produce necrosis or dead tissue and result in an open, ulcerating sore that does not seem to heal. It opens the pathway for an infection that could spread to other parts of the body.
How did I get brown recluse spiders?
Brown recluses are attracted to property that has weeds, woodpiles, rocks, and other hiding places.
If they can find their way inside and there are plenty of dark, secluded hiding spots and insects to eat, your home is a likely candidate for a brown recluse spider infestation.
How do you get rid of brown recluse spiders?
Because brown recluse spiders are venomous, it is best to leave the extermination to licensed pest control professionals. At Greenway Pest Solutions, our pest control pros specialize in brown recluse spider control and have the tools, knowledge, and experience necessary to eliminate these venomous spiders.