What do mosquitoes look like?
All mosquitoes, regardless of their species, are true flies belonging to the order Diptera. Female mosquitoes have two wings, segmented antennae, and mouthparts that form long piercing-sucking proboscis. Males, on the other hand, have feathery antennae and mouthparts that cannot pierce the skin. Coloring depends on species.

When are mosquitoes most active?
What do mosquitoes eat?
Blood is essential for mosquito reproduction and so females will take blood meals in order to pull the protein and iron necessary for egg production. Male mosquitoes do not feed on blood. Both female and male mosquitoes will feed on plant nectar.
Are mosquitoes dangerous?
Mosquito bites, which transmit mosquito saliva to hosts, can cause itching and a rash. In addition, many species of mosquitoes inject or ingest (or both) disease-causing organisms with the bite and are thus a vector for the transmission of diseases such as malaria, yellow fever, Chikungunya, West Nile virus, dengue fever, filariasis, Zika virus, and other arboviruses. Of course, not all mosquito-borne illnesses are found in every region or even country.
Why do I have mosquitoes on my property?
Mosquitoes lay eggs in standing or slow-moving water so if there is water collecting in flower pots, tarps, and other objects, you could be attracting these pests.
Mosquitoes will also rest in tall grasses, shrubbery, and other areas that provide respite from the hot sun.
How do you get rid of mosquitoes?
While it’s impossible to eliminate every single mosquito on your property, Greenway Pest Solutions offers mosquito treatments that target areas where mosquitoes breed and where they rest, drastically reducing the mosquito population. For more information about our cutting-edge mosquito control, please reach out!