How common are brown recluse spiders?
We are happy to say that brown recluse infestations are about as common as their bites. We don't see them often. But, when we do see them, there is cause for some concern. These spiders do well inside man-made structures. While they aren't a significant bite hazard at first, the more brown recluses you have, the greater the risk will become. If you’re concerned about brown recluse spiders in Albuquerque, Santa Fe, or elsewhere in New Mexico, keep reading for more information!
What attracts brown recluse spiders?
A brown recluse will establish itself where it can find food and shelter. Water is also a factor, but it can get the moisture it needs from its food source—the bugs it eats. Management of pests on your property can reduce the greatest attractant that lures brown recluse spiders to the exterior of your home.
When these spiders explore your exterior, you may invite them indoors. A recluse spider can't help but check out a crack in a foundation slab or a gap in structural material. Patching these potential entry points can help keep spiders outdoors.
Managing brown recluse in New Mexico
To prevent spiders from entering your home, you can start by eliminating factors that attract them. This may require some effort, but it can help you reduce the likelihood of a spider invasion. However, if you want a hassle-free and reliable solution, you can contact Greenway Pest Solutions and learn more about our home pest control services. Here are a few ways our services can assist you:
- We spot treat in your yard. By reducing pest populations, we reduce spiders as well.
- We go around your home and remove spider webs and remove spider egg sacs, which can have hundreds of eggs inside. Brown recluse spiders eat other spiders. By reducing spider populations, we reduce recluse spiders.
- We apply a conventional product to your exterior to prevent pests from entering your home. These treatments also deter insect activity next to your home.
- We apply a dust product in voids to further inhibit pest infiltration.
- We apply targeted control solutions when warning signs of brown recluse spiders are seen.
Complete the form below to request a free quote or give us a call if you have questions. Since 2009, our local pest control company has been helping property owners keep insects and rodents out of their homes and businesses – we know we can help you too!